Reist cover paperback

Delphine Reist
Colleagues think positively


€25.45 (excl. VAT)

Delphine Reist’s solo exhibition sheds light on a social model apparently close to collapse. To this end the Geneva artist examines via installations and video the effects of globalisation, rationalisation and automation of our economy. Comparable to a factory consisting of production line, fuel reserves, tool storage, offices or changing rooms, the exhibition recalls a production site strangely withdrawn from reality. An oil barrel rolls undeviatingly through the space. Containers of synthetic foam are made to explode or office chairs revolve on their own axes. Through the transformation of everyday objects into functionless apparatus the artist questions our engineered environment and its self-sustaining momentum without content. Efficiency is translated into irony, functionalism into roguishness. In her most comprehensive presentation to date Delphine Reist produces an image of an economy that has outstripped ideas of progress and has become lost in empty actionism.

EditorKunsthaus Centre d’art, Pasquart Biel / Bienne
TextsLea Haller, Damian Jurt, Isabel Zürcher
DesignHuz & Bosshard
DetailsFlexcover, 31 x 23,5 cm, 114 pages, numerous ills. in color
Publication date03/17

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