Cover Bölter

Frank Bölter – Der Weg des geringsten Widerstandes

€31.73 (excl. VAT)

On September 1, 2021 Frank Bölter stepped through the door of his residence in Cologne and set out for Berlin, carrying over his shoulder a heavy street sign with the words “Path of Least Resistance.”

Underway over hill and dale, through field and meadow, forest and footpath, he asked people, such as the political elite on September 26, 2021, the day of federal elections, what route they had taken theretofore and whether they intended to keep to it.

The publication documents the situations and encounters that he experienced on this long march almost 650 km in length. Wearing a dark suit with tie and hauling the sign, he posed to an extremely wide range of persons the groundbreaking question as to whether they were ready to accept difficult circumstances in their life or preferred to avoid such challenges. In an era when politics and journalism have lost sight of this question, his suit caused irritation as typical male, careerist clothing even as it simultaneously loosened the tongues of persons who opened up to him and chose to display their wounds.

EditorFrank Bölter
TextsKatja Blomberg, Frank Bölter
DesignJulia Majewski
DetailsHardcover, 21 x 14.4 cm, 298 pages, 269 ills. in color
Publication date02/2023
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This is the Message