Kleider in Bewegung cover

Kleider in Bewegung
Mode im Film


€25.45 (excl. VAT)

Fashion as art in films and as part of filmic art. This tome questions the multifaceted relationship between fashion and film in which clothes are more than a mere functional medium of filmic dramaturgy, but themselves become actors. Fashion and film become seen as independent systems, as two aesthetic practices. What is symptomatic is the tipping point, the artistic potential when they come together – the moment when the audience no longer sees the fashion artifacts as simple indications of social standing or emotional states but when instead dress, clothing become an autonomous artistic medium: fashion/filmic art. With their extraordinary graphic design the »flying parts« in the book bring a third into play: book art.

EditorTheresa Georgen, Norbert M. Schmitz, Muthesius Kunsthochschule
TextsChristine N. Brinckmann, Stella Bruzzi, Annette Geiger, Theresa Georgen, Gora Jain, Petra Maria Meyer, Norbert M. Schmitz, Katharina Sykora, Barbara Vinken, Hans J. Wulff
Designfliegende teilchen, Berlin
DetailsPaperback, 168 pages, 80 ills. in color
Publication date01/14
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