Oeffentlicher Raum 12 COVER

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich, Band 12, 2014–2016


€26.40 (excl. VAT)

For over 30 years, art has been realized in the public sphere of Lower Austria in small communities, in cities and rural regions, thus giving rise to a unique artistic landscape that is appreciated beyond the country’s borders. The 11th and 12th volume on public art in Lower Austria document the years between 2011 and 2016 by tracing the concentration of projects, the complexity of themes and the diversity of formal implementations involved: We encounter Gelatin’s oversized nose, jutting out on the banks of the Danube in the Wachau valley, while in Reinsberg Iris Andraschek and Hubert Lobnig invite guests to a schnapps tasting and a contemplation of how we live together, and in Weikendorf an art space has been established in cooperation with the local population that offers artists such as Hans Schabus, Anna Meyer and many more a place for unusual exhibitions. Over 30 projects are described and contextualized in depth in each volume, and extensive visual is also included.

EditorKatharina Blaas-Pratscher, Katrina Petter
PrefaceKatharina Blaas-Pratscher, Katrina Petter
TextsHildegund Amanshauser, Anamarija Batista, Georgia Creimer, Nikolaus Eckhard, Janina Falkner, feld72, Angelika Fitz, Anette Freudenberger, Martin Fritz, Arturo Hernandez Alcazar, Martin Hochleitner, Brigitte Huck, Helmut & Johanna Kandl, Erich Klein, Leopold Kogler, Christiane Krejs, Hubert Lobnig, Lina Morawetz, Alois Mosbacher, Christina Nägele, Cornelia Offergeld, Cosima Rainer, Maren Richter, section.a, Raimar Stange, Barbara Steiner, Robert Woelfl, Günter Wolfsberger, Hannes Zebedin
DesignEnrico Bravi
DetailsPaperback, 21 x 15 cm, 448 pages, numerous ills. in color
Publication date06/19
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