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Marcia Hafif – The Inventory: Painting


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Marcia Hafif is among the pioneers of the 1970s who fundamentally broadened con­ceptions of the practice of painting and under­standing of art per se. Since the 1980s, terms like "radical" have been used to describe Hafif’s work with monochrome painting. The pencil on paper drawings, vertical pencil marks cover­ ing a surface, begun in 1972, led to the ver­tical stroke in paint. Her work in both mediums still continues, fitting within what she calls "The Inventory". Each series included in "The Inventory" develops a single medium using tra­ditional methods and materials for making paint and preparing a ground.
Individual works in a series can be larger or smaller, and usually are made with vertical brush­strokes, with which the effects of unmixed colours on a suit­able painting ground are sounded out. The catalogue was published on occasion of the exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum St. Gallen and Kunsthaus Baselland.

EditorKunsthaus Baselland, Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, Laguna Art Museum
TextsInes Goldbach, Roland Wäspe, Jane McFadden, Marcia Hafif
DesignTGG Hafen Senn Stieger, St.Gallen
DetailsHardcover, 28,7 x 22,2 cm, 286 pages, numerous ills. in color
Publication date2017
ISBN (English Edition)978-3-903153-80-6
ISBN (German Edition)978­-3­-903228-­13­-9
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