Kindle handbuch cover 02

Simon Kindle

€31.82 (excl. VAT)

Simon Kindle (*1983) extends a hand to his audience and invites them to get involved. This handbook not only presents his most important works but also serves as a practical tool, allowing readers to take action and design the cover themselves. Alongside interaction and craftsmanship, a good dose of daring is essential to Simon Kindle's work. Through his performances, the artist challenges not only the audience but also himself, creating meaningful experiences. Often with a wink, Simon Kindle finds clear and coherent images for themes from everyday life and the art world. The questions and problems he addresses are familiar to us all: How do I present myself? Where do I stand? Can I do this? How do I navigate competition and selection? What does the place where I live mean to me? What defines it? How does community form? How do we organize our coexistence?

EditorStadt Luzern und Kunstmuseum Luzern
TextsArmin Chodzinksi, Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Eveline Suter
DesignBüro 146, Maike Hamacher, Valentin Hindermann, Madeleine Stahel
LanguageGerman, English
DetailsHardcover, thread binding with a cardboard cover, laminated with sandpaper, 22,8 x 14.9 cm, 264 pages, 176 ills. in color, 22 ills. in b&w
Publication date06/2024
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Kindle eirad foto eline staats
Kindle handbuch foto marc latzel
Kindle handschlag foto simon kindle
Kindle outlining foto luis hartl 01
Kindle outlining foto luis hartl 02
Kindle reinszenierung handle with care foto philip frowein
Kindle reinszenierung pointer foto philip frowein
Kindle reinszenierung tanz foto philip frowein



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