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Issue 4 out now

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How does breakfast look after a one-night stand? What do restaurant critics do right, wrong, or not at all? What fine-dining menu does artificial intelligence recommend for this evening? With the new issue of their somewhat different cooking magazine The Healthy Times, three top chefs from Austria – Lukas Mraz, Philip Rachinger, and Felix Schellhorn alias Healthy Boy Band – are once again cooking on an open fire: Issue 4, “Handjobs,” explains the handicraft of gastronomy.

The fourth issue, just released under the title “Handjobs,” delivers on its promise of breaking taboos, but also focuses once again more on the genre of the classic cooking magazine and includes themes from everyday life. With writers like Nora Voit, Sara Geisler, Lorraine Haist, Andrea Petrini, David Bogner, Florian Holzer, Alexander Rabl and David Zilber, The Healthy Times is once again filled with fantastic articles such as “The Triumph of the Chopstick Trick” or “Twilight of the Wait Staff.” In any case, the magazine is spreading “Keinen Käse (no nonsense).“ Every issue appears in a new, independent design. With 260 pages in a manageable format, this issue as well is a work of art in itself which, alongside its contentual orientation under the editorship of Melissa Graf, also breaks aesthetic borders with its design by Simon Walterer and Wolfgang Ortner.


-> There is a 25-percent discount on 30 copies

-> Package: Issues 3&4 for EUR 24,-

Voices from the Press:

“The Healthy Boy Band, which consists of star chefs and whose self-definition ‘a special interest group for young chefs’ is only a partial description, is quite funky; it can handle fast food as well as the Fountain of Youth – along with lots of other far-out things that can be created with foodstuffs and an appropriately anarchical attitude.”

Cathrin Kahlweit, Süddeutsche Zeitung No. 299, Monday 28 December 2020, p. 21

“They have made a name for themselves in recent years above all with their actions at international cooking festivals and with the out-of-the-ordinary menus that they present there. In Lyon they once prepared fourteen courses of goat – with the punning motto ‘Goat Save The Queen.’ At the Museum für angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt, they changed the motto ‘dining philosophically’ into ‘breading philosophically’ and only served baked items. They like to invite artists to culinary events; for example, in Montpellier, in an art action at a cooking festival with the international elite of world-famous chefs, they presented the menus of their colleagues by means of copy-shop and idea-theft as a contribution to the theme of ‘original and copy.’ Above all, they recall with enthusiasm the ‘ski-water’ that they created in Hofgastein. Overnight fifty centimeters of snow had fallen: ‘perfect, clean, fresh snow,’ as Schellhorn remembers. Philip Rachinger had the idea of freezing glasses, filling them with snow and then covering it with raspberry syrup and lemon. ‘You would never do that in a restaurant, but it was a megacool idea to combine nature and chemistry in this way.’”

Cathrin Kahlweit, Süddeutsche Zeitung No. 299, Monday 28 December 2020, p. 21

EditorHealthy Boy Band
Editor in ChiefMelissa Graf
TextsAnna Burghart, Andrea Petrini, Lorraine Haist, Nora Voit, Healthy Boy Band, David Zilber, Edouard Thorens, Alexander Rabl, Melissa Graf, Adrian Bianco, David Bogner, Kate Dingwall, Sara Geisler, Florian Holzer, Friederike Duhme, Tobias Müller, Severin Corti
RecipesAgata Felluga, Steirereck, Reznicek, David Zilber, Gamper, Santini Del Pescatore / Family Recipes (Giunti), Melissa Graf, Alexander Kunstel, Julian Lubinger, Prime Seafood Palace, Annelies Café, Florian Holzer, Eissalon Tichy, Philips Oma
IllustrationsFrank Maria
DesignSimon Walterer, Wolfgang Ortner
DetailsSoftcover, 16,8 x 23,5cm, 260 pages, num ills. in color
Publication date12/2023
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